The Inclusion Think Tank Podcast
Hosted by Arthur Aston, M.A.
The Inclusion Think Tank is the New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education’s podcast that features conversations with inclusive education leaders, experts, and advocates to discuss the impact of inclusion in schools. It serves as a resource for educators, school administrators, and families who are seeking additional knowledge about topics related to inclusive education.
This is a content warning: This episode discusses self-harm and suicide. Listener/viewer discretion is advised
On this episode of the Inclusion Think Tank, Arthur is joined by Kory Kutzler. Kory is a supervisor for a partial hospitalization program in Pennsylvania and oversees teachers and psychologists at the Northampton County Detention Center. Arthur and Kory talk about how trauma-informed care can be applied in the classroom, and some self-care techniques that can be beneficial to students and educators as well.
Kate Sullivan joins Arthur on this episode of the Inclusion Think Tank to talk about the importance and impact of the disability rights movement and how learning about this historical moment can help students gain a deeper understanding of societal inequities and cultivate the empathy and advocacy skills necessary for creating a more inclusive school environment.
On today’s episode, I welcome my guests, Kevin Morra and Alyssa Rush. Kevin is the Director of Special Services and Alyssa is a Supervisor of Special Education at Berkeley Heights School District.
Alyssa Kevin of Berkeley join me on the Inclusion Think Tank podcast to discuss how they address the challenges faced when implementing inclusive practices in their district.
On today’s episode, I welcome my guest Sara Jutcovich. Sara is an Inclusion Facilitator with ALL IN, She is currently a doctoral student studying Educational Leadership with a specialization in Special Education. During our conversation today, we discussed Specially Designed Instruction, often referred to as SDI, why is it important, and how educators can plan or incorporate SDI into their classroom setting.
On today's episode, I welcome my guest, Fred. Fred is the Chief Executive Officer of New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education, which is now All In For Inclusive Education.
In our conversation today, Fred, shares the exciting news about our transition from New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education to All In For Inclusive Education, what that name change means and what you can expect from the organization going forward.
Pamela Donovan, the founder, President, and CEO of the board of Ethan and the Bean, discusses how their organization collaborates with local schools and businesses to create an inclusive work environment outside of the classroom for students with disabilities.
Today I continue my conversation with Anjali, a parent advocate. As we conclude our discussion, Anjali shares what message she would like all educators and school districts to know about autism.
This is part 1 of my conversation with Anjali. Anjali is a parent of two children who were diagnosed with Autism and Fragile X Syndrome. She shares what their family’s journey has been like working toward inclusion in their school district.
In this episode, I continue my conversation with Arvin Arjona. Arvin shares how he can adapt his dance classes to be accessible and inclusive for his disabled students.
On today’s episode, I welcome my guest Arvin Arjona, a fine arts teacher of dance. This is part one of our conversation where Arvin shares what inclusive education means to him, and the benefit that inclusive education can have on all students.
On today’s episode, I welcome Vikas back for part 2 of our conversation. Vikas is a parent advocate, and as we continue our conversation Vikas shares what advice he has for schools and for parents who are on this inclusive education Journey.
This is Part 1 of my conversation with Vikas, a parent advocate who shares his family’s story of working toward inclusion in his daughter’s school district.
This is part two of Arthur’s conversation with Maureen from IncludeNJ and a parent who is advocating for her child to be included in the classroom. Listen to find out what advice our guest has for districts and other parents who are working toward a more inclusive environment for their students.
The Inclusion Think Tank is back with a brand new episode today. Arthur shares part 1 of his conversation with Maureen from IncludeNJ, and a parent advocate who shares her family’s inclusive education journey in two different states.
On Today’s Episode, I welcome my guest Lauren Tyndrof. Lauren is an Inclusion Facilitator with NJCIE. Today, we talk about how physical education classes can be adapted to include all students, including those students with disabilities.
On today’s episode, I welcome my guest Amara. Amara is an inclusion facilitator with NJCIE. During our conversation, we discuss how Amara has been applying her over 10 years of experience in education, and her interest in servant leadership in her role as an inclusion facilitator, and also what she is most looking forward to in this position with NJCIE.
The Inclusion Think Tank Podcast is back with a brand new episode. Today, Arthur is joined by his guests Brittany Seeley and Dr. Kelli Petrone. Brittany and Kelli discuss the New Jersey Inclusion Project (NJIP) grant. If you are a school administrator in New Jersey, you can sign up for NJCIE’s Community of Practice meeting, training, and discussion session here:
This is part two of my conversation with Monica Ahern and Maureen Holly Kerne. The conversation continues as Monica and Maureen share what they wish districts knew about inclusive education and some of the success stories they have seen over the years.
On today's episode, I welcome my guests Monica Ahern and Maureen Picolli-Kerne, in this part one of our conversation, Monica and Maureen, share what has surprised them most having both worked in school districts and now as parent advocates. They also share some of the common challenges that parents face when they are pushing toward an inclusive education environment for their children.
On Today’s episode, I welcome my guest Katherine Kelly .Katherine is the Executive Director of IncludeNJ. Join us as we discuss why including parents and caregivers in the inclusive education conversation is important.