Technical Assistance


Each Technical Assistance (TA) package will follow a five-session format. The five sessions will be designed to implement content delivery to administrators and staff through targeted professional development, observation, feedback, and support of implementation. Schools may select only one topic and applications are building-based. Each school must apply individually. Services will be provided in the 2024-25 school year.

Note: The NJIP will provide services during the 2024-25 school year either in person, hybrid, or virtually depending on the district’s request.

Technical Assistance Package Options

A wide variety of Technical Assistance options are available through the New Jersey Inclusion Project:

  • Introduction to Inclusive Education (Inclusion 101)

  • Building an Inclusive Education Culture

  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

  • Co-teaching (K-12)

  • Collaborative Consultation

  • Utilizing Differentiation to Support Inclusive Education

  • Best Practices in Developing IEPs that Support Inclusive Education

  • Supporting Positive Student Behavior through Motivation and Engagement

  • Operationalizing Modifications and Accommodations


Questions? Please email for assistance.