2020 Inclusion Works Poster Contest Winner Announced
Vivian Kin
A 13-year-old Crossroads South Middle School student was selected as the winner of the New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education’s (NJCIE) 11th annual Inclusion Works Poster Contest last week.
Congratulations to Vivian Kin, a rising eighth-grade student from South Brunswick, New Jersey, who will receive a $250 cash prize for her winning illustration that represents diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities.
“Vivian’s poster is powerful,” said Fred Buglione, President and CEO of NJCIE. “It portrays multiple aspects of inclusion by welcoming those students of all abilities. The statement, ‘We are less when we don’t include everyone,’ is bold, inspiring, and speaks to why inclusion is important.”
Annually, NJCIE holds a poster contest for all New Jersey students in grades one through 12. Students have four months to illustrate a poster that highlights why inclusion is important, what it means to them, what it looks like in their communities, or how it can be done. Winning posters are professionally printed and distributed to schools across the state.
An inclusive school is one where everyone feels accepted regardless of their learning challenges, differences, or disabilities.
View the winning poster below: